How Do I Find A Live Spiritual Teacher?

Transcript: Non-duality Self-Realisation Satsang Meeting
Yallingup - Margaret River - Western Australia

For decades I read books. I went through all the books and literatures, and various different things. I started to learn little tricks to simplify my life, realising, "Oh that's where I'm making a mistake. Oh, that that's what that is, I could probably stop doing that." I'd slowly but surely stop doing it. It would take me quite a while, habits are very hard to change. Life started to slowly get better and better. I was in relationships that forced me to be quieter, and not say much, and surrender.

Slowly but surely, it started to make sense - ‘Oh, if I let go things get better, things get easier.’

Then I studied, and studied, and studied, and eventually, when the time was right, I found a teacher, a live teacher.

I had many teachers of course, that I knew through books and whatever else, and then teachers I was unaware were there the whole time.

Then, I found a live spiritual teacher. That’s when the game really changed, that’s when it all came together, extremely rapidly.

My intent went through the roof, as I finally saw how you can live. I had finally met somebody that, all these thoughts that I didn't share with anybody and kept quiet to myself, he would say out loud, and they were accurate. Or a lot of them were, there were some mistakes in there, but I was no longer abnormal and weird.

I was suddenly in a room with somebody that I actually was agreeing with. It was like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. I was no longer half crazy. Because I didn't have anyone around me that was into this at any level.

He was from Non-Dual traditions, and a little bit of Shamanic, I was from a Mesoamerican tradition. Once I worked the languaging out, it was the same thing.

The most important thing, of course, was the (awakened) energy, the space that was there.

That's the most important thing, words are second. In fact, ideally, there'd be no words, and we wouldn't have many problems at all. But, we'd we’d also be living a lot more primitively. We get lost in the words, you see, we get lost in language, we get lost in concepts, we got lost in views, sheathes.

We pick a sheath and we stick to it for a while until it gets boring and we move to another sheathe, then we move to another. So, we move from energetic home to energetic home thinking this is it, this is it, this is it. There's a better one there, I'll move there now. And none of them are legitimate, they're all just ignorance.

So, this is a very difficult thing to do, to go against your habits.

Your habits are a large part of what's enslaved you as a compressed being, a compressed imaginary being, that has no centre and does not exist.

Then on top of that, instead of just being in the world, it says "I need to go get a drink now," instead of you just going and getting a drink. And then it might go, "Shall I have a coffee, or a tea?" and then it'll debate a coffee or a tea, and all the health benefits of coffee over tea, and what time of day it is, and on it goes.

There'll be an internal argument as if there are two beings there, and there was not even one to begin with. And, this is normal... It's normal until you put out a loudspeaker, broadcasting everybody's thoughts, then it's very abnormal, isn't it? The only difference, between insane and normal, is not being heard by others. It's a very fine line.

But, because everybody else is doing it, and we saw our parents doing it when we were young, and we started playing with our toys, and talking, one soldier to the other, or one doll to the other, having little dialogues between toys, and the toys talking to itself, then at some point we started internalising such things.

We've created an internal dialogue, which, most often, turns into an inner critic, of not being good enough, or needing more.

Then it becomes an analysis. An analysis of the world; a judge, then a victim. And it can become a rebel, it can become a princess, and a prostitute (selling out all the time). It can become a white knight, a saviour, that can go and save everybody else from their stillness, or their beliefs with some information that it has gathered and the beliefs that it's collected.

This isn't life, it's not living.

So, I'm hinting here to muster all your courage, all of your strength. Start breaking your habits, start turning around and looking at them all, investigate them all.

It’s extremely rare, extremely, extremely rare, for somebody to come in front of a teacher and just wake-up.

But so many people are waiting for that.

The work has to be done, any honest teacher will say so.

Keywords: How Do I Find A Spiritual Teacher, Value Of A Spiritual Teacher, Finding A Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Field