Essential for Awakening

Ownership is Essential for Awakening

Live Meet Transcript 24.06.2016
Speaker: Rohan

One of the biggest things I see in separate, identified people on the path to finding the truth of the one-self, is ownership. What exactly does that mean, ownership?

Ownership means seeing things as they are. As in mistakes, or wrong path, wrong words, wrong ideas, wrong intention, wrong thought, almost like they’re somebody else’s… that level of detachment. Like: Yes, I did that; I see the error in that, with no bias.

The bias we have for ourselves is one of the elements of the invisible prison bars we keep ourselves in. It’s the cell room bars, the prison cell bars.

So, it’s very common for me to see people glaze over their erroneous ways or actions. They jump over it. There's a little mechanism there that deludes that person, to protect them from the reality of what they’re up to. This mechanism is observed sometimes, and then is consciously jumped over, quite often subconsciously, not even seen. It happens so fast that there’s no recognition. It’s a form of self-preservation, I-dentity preservation.

That ensures the next time the same circumstance arises the same action will be taken, which ensures the seeker will stay trapped ongoing. It’s mathematical, there is no grey area here.

So, until ownership, which is honesty, true honesty, is taken as a practice, which requires self-observation, the seeker will stay trapped.

What I like to do is when I’m communicating with people, I watch them incredibly closely, to see if they’re reacting to anything I’m doing or saying. I can then see what’s going on for them, and if there’s something in me that’s false. Is it in me, or it’s in them? Which one?

And you become a student in this way, a student of life, to find the truth of life. It also brings your attention very sharp into the moment, which is a mindfulness practice, a presence.

You don’t miss things anymore. It’s harder to jump over things, because there’s an intent there, to be completely honest in the moment, moment to moment. And to see if falseness is arising within yourself or within others, now it doesn’t mean you have to correct others, no. If people want to believe who they are, then that’s their right to believe who they are, or who they think they are. If you don’t have an agreement with another, to find and share falseness within each other, it’s best not to. Being a White Knight, or a Saviour, generally, without permission, causes more harm than good.

So finding ownership, unbiased ownership, total ownership, of everything we do from thought to action, as an unbiased observer, is a very powerful way to find liberation, and dissolve the prison bars of the mind. It is powerful because if you take total ownership and total honesty of everything happening around you, you become your own teacher. You don’t need somebody like me, or others, to continuously give you information; all information is ultimately rubbish.

What’s looking through my eyes is looking through your eyes. It is looking through a cat’s eyes, a dog’s, a rabbit’s, a grasshopper’s, or even a bed bug’s. The same consciousness is looking through everything, is everything. So, with total honesty, we are ultimately giving permission to our higher consciousness, the SELF-consciousness, ultimate consciousness, to do its work, of dissolving the false.

Now, of course, choosing to do this is a practice. Just because we choose to have ownership and total honesty, doesn’t mean that from this moment on, we will do this, or that we will know what it is. We may think we are being totally honest, but subconsciously there are other forces at play that are preventing it from being total honesty. But that’s not the point. The point is, if we start the process, sincerely start the process, with as much honesty as possible in that moment, in each moment... we have begun. And with pure intent behind this, ongoing, we have the opportunity to succeed in dissolving the false. If it is not started, we have no chance. So there is not an option here, really. If you want liberation, this isn’t optional. Honesty, ownership, unbiased, is not optional, it’s not negotiable.

Truth is unbiased. It is uninterested in country, culture, family, personal limitations, and bias. Completely uninterested. Look around, that’s easy to see. Look at perceived injustices to see. There are no injustices, there just is, a constant rebalancing of the equation, to zero. It’s mathematical. It’s just the way things are. Some are not of a high enough consciousness in day-to-day life to see the immensity of the formula we’re involved in. And, that’s not an accident either. Everything is exactly how it is supposed to be, always; no matter how inconvenient, apparently disgusting, tragic, sad, happy. You know, it goes the other way too; complete bliss is exactly how it’s supposed to be in that moment, as is the deepest suffering and tragedy.

We have a preference for everything to be going right, once again a bias. When everything is wonderful then that’s how it’s supposed to be. And the moment, sadness or a more intense emotion, perceived negative energy moves through our system, that’s not how it’s supposed to be, that’s not okay; “I’m supposed to be in happiness or comfort”. This also is a bias. This is not ownership. This is not owning the sadness arising.

I see this regularly, when the stuff that’s been hidden within them, in their subconscious, starts to rise. they have a great time with the happiness of being around the energy that comes from me being nothing. They love that, but when the stuff from subconscious start rising they have a great resistance to it, and it’s a non-ownership, it’s a bias. So, I constantly teach the same person over and over.

“Well, why is it okay for you to be happy, but it’s not okay for you to be sad?”

“Have you looked to see?”

“Can you embrace sadness like you embrace happiness?”

“Can you be the silent witness of both?”

The truth from my experience is, if you develop this practice of ownership, of whatever is arising, unbiased, much like I’m talking about with the unbiased being in the world, observing our actions. This goes deeper into observing what is arising within us, it deepens into our insides. So, from watching the outside world and how we are in it, we develop a practice that takes us all the way inwards, and this can take us all the way home. It’s a practice, it's one that’s very powerful. Probably the most powerful, because it can be done all day and most of the evening. It can be done all day. No matter what we’re doing. Many have busy lives; the workplace is perfect for this.

Driving, how are we on the roads, are we being honest?

Our thoughts, are they honest?

Can we own negativity?

Own that it came through our minds?

And we can let it go. We don’t ignore it, pretend we didn’t have the thought and just let it go. We observe what was there. We don’t run it, just observe dishonesty and ignorance. So, this honesty starts with the practice of ownership. We can, as I say, use it for emotions that arise within us as we go further down this path as courageous warriors, of truth. This ownership allows us to own our feelings, and a lot of the stuff that arises when we’re further out in the world. It wasn’t our thinking anyway. It is coming from our subconscious into the conscious.

So, as we evolve deeper into our practices, we don’t move, and the thoughts can actually stop arising, as we start releasing the subconscious energies trapped in our nervous system, the body’s nervous system.

This is a practice we can start immediately, and practice it, it’s a practice. It’s like anything we do, it takes time. Like anything we do, it has a starting point. The starting of this practice is the starting of an undoing. It ultimately ends in a not doing, which means not reacting, not doing sadness, grief, happiness, joy - no difference.

It starts now. It starts with your attention, intention, and attention on going on truth, honesty, ownership. It starts now, if hasn’t already started.

It starts now.

There’s a good chance that you’ve already started doing this practice, just to be listening to these words this long, which may be incredibly dull to some people, or everybody. Matters not to me. I’m happy either way. The point is you may have started this. If you started, continue, deepen, deepen, more honesty. If this is new information, start now.

I wish you success if you choose to take this on.

Inner Peace Foundation