Why Wait: Love Awakening

Why Wait for Truth: Love Awakening

Podcast Transcript 14.03.2016
Speaker: Rohan

So, what are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Do you think your life will get better, waiting?

If you are hearing this, you know there are far deeper truths to existence. You may have heard you are existence; you may have heard you’re the thing before existence. You may have just heard you’re not the body or the mind. It doesn’t matter, what you have heard is that there is a possibility that you can live a deeper, more meaningful life. There is actually no meaning to life, but let’s call it meaningful. Just by serving others, you are living a more meaningful life.

Why wait?

Wait for what?

Who is waiting?

Why are we waiting?

Now that you know there is a deeper existence, you may now know you are suffering, or not feeling good a lot of the time, unhappy. A range of emotions constantly barraging your peace, below, all of the surface movements. If you know, what are you waiting for? Waiting includes time. Time is the illusion of this reality we’re in. Where you are listening from now? From where am I speaking?

Time is the opposite of your freedom. Waiting, procrastinating, to find your deepest truth, not a moment can be wasted. Liberation, awakening, whatever label, and to reside there, will take all the effortless effort you can muster, every moment available is required. Waiting is ignorance. It’s the exact thing you’re trying to dispel. It is lower consciousness. Even the animal kingdom doesn’t wait, they’re just there, It’s a human condition, only a condition of the mind, the human form is essentially the mind. The human condition of suffering unnecessarily, or at all, is a condition of the human mind, the human form. It’s an addition to the purity we are.

It’s the Biblical Adam and Eve story. They lived in Eden, in paradise, in peace, in joy, until they chewed on the fruit of knowledge and became a thinker. They started living through the world of thinking, analysing, basically adding a layer over reality. The reality of this existence here, a suffering layer. A constant striving layer, constant avoiding layer, as the Buddha said, Craving and Aversion. In between the two, is the middle, a centre, zero, nothing! Now, that sounds extremely boring; nothing, zero, not special, not un-special, not extroverted, not introverted, in the middle. It just is. I can tell you, it is definitely not an uninteresting place to be. It is the only place to be. Once you’ve experienced it, there is no other way to be in the world. It is indescribable, it is something that can only be experienced, felt. Not that it’s about the experience, that’s not the point, but I cannot convey it to you.

And one thing you start to learn as you stop waiting, and start being, it to use whatever practice suits you the most, and there are many out there, I have used countless at different times, and for different reasons. Which is the fastest and the most effective is what I chose. Kind of like, Bruce Lee did with Martial Arts, handpick the best tools and in that moment, just have the tools. It doesn’t matter what art, or doctrine, or where it comes from, as long as it works.

So, no waiting.

Waiting is the part of you that is holding you captive, it’s one of its forms.

So, now you know, you have no excuse. Before you knew there was a deeper existence, you had an excuse that was called ignorance. Now, you have ignorance with no excuse. Before it was ignorance with an excuse. Now you know, what are you going to do about it? Nobody else can do this for you. So many think they’re going to sit in front of the teacher and the teacher is going to take everything off them and they’re going to awaken, don’t be fooled. There is an effort we can make, that many of the Masters have spoken about. You can meet the teacher, you can prepare yourself, and they can help finish and help guide. But, waiting is not your friend. Waiting is not a part of who you are. If you have the excuse, “I don’t have time”, you are lying. You’re lying to yourself. The false part of you is telling you a story.

You can find techniques, mindfulness techniques that you can incorporate into your daily schedule. Mindfulness is a meditation; meditation is silencing of the mind. You can use seated breath techniques, and all sorts of techniques to silence your mind while sitting. You can use mindful techniques for driving, working, washing, whatever you are doing. We can immerse ourselves completely in that moment, in the task at hand. Openly, all of our attention on the task at hand. There are no excuses, there are just failure patterns. Waiting, and the excuse, “I don’t have time”, are simply, failure patterns within your psyche that will absolutely keep you imprisoned.

If I could somehow show you what it’s like, which sometimes I can do, to get a fraction of what it feels like to be liberated, you would drop everything and put all your attention on this. You would have the attention of a world cup soccer player or a UFC fighter on his next fight, everything you have, to attain it, once you tasted it; you just haven’t tasted it yet perhaps. And the truth is, you may not get even that test, unless you start, being, instead of waiting, getting dressed, to meet your higher self.

If you are going to win a Grand Final in Football, or in a fight, you do not leave a stone unturned. The opponent is your psyche keeping you imprisoned. So, you start to watch unconscious actions; Why am I doing this? I’m thinking, ok stop. I can come back to my hands working, or the mop moving, the computer keyboard, whatever it is, you can become completely immersed in the moment.

Come back, come back, come back;

Drop the mind, drop the mind, drop the mind.

That’s getting dressed, ready, because if you haven’t had the experience of liberation, or what the Japanese might call a Satori, in Zen, you may not even know what happiness is. You may think you know, but you may not actually know just how profound it is when you are heading to the bliss levels. So just entertain that for a moment, what I’ve just said there: You may not have experienced true happiness yet. Or, it was so long ago in your childhood that, it’s not even an experience anymore. That’s what I discovered when I found an awake master, that I didn’t know what happiness was. I was looking at it in front of me and going, “Okay, I’m going to do whatever it takes to arrive there”. There is no arriving there, but we don’t want to sound too trippy here, it’s here all the time. But the point is, what if you don’t know what happiness is yet? What that feels like; what is life worth? What is life about? We’re living without even knowing what true happiness is, true nature is, true nature is happiness. Happiness is a result of it. Happiness is not the goal, it’s a result, a side effect of removing the false.

So, I invite you, with all my heart, don’t wait, don’t wait, come!

Come see for yourself.

Have no regrets.

Come see.

Don’t wait!